association of violin makers in the Western Hemisphere

SVA 2025 Convention and Competition

SVA 2025 Convention and Competition

New Instrument Exhibit Details

The Instruments

The purpose of the exhibit is to showcase the handmade instruments of regional makers to players and families of concerto competition participants.

Violins, Violas, Cellos, basses, and their bows are welcome, including variations, like 5-string violins.

Entries must be made by the exhibitors, primarily by hand.

Co-made entries are welcome, with all makers identified.

Timeline Framework (specific times may evolve)

  • Thursday Mar 20 4:00 - Check-in and Setup
  • Thursday Evening - Opening Reception Open to the public
  • Friday Mar 21 9:00 to 5:00 - NIE Open to the public

Open to the Public

The exhibit will be open to the public, including participants in the Youth Concerto Competition and their accompanying family and/or teachers.

No admission charge to the public.

Public will register and get a visitor badge.

Exhibitors will share registration and room monitor duties.

The exhibit will be publicized by boosted social media posts and through Agnes Scott College.

Instrument Labeling

Makers should bring a 1-page bio, including a photo and contact information, to display with their instruments. You may choose to display the bio in a stand you provide.

Instruments must have a label or stamp identifying the maker.

Label prices in an unobtrusive way you see fit. For example, you may place a price on the side of the fingerboard.

You may wish to have business cards for the table.

Buying Discussions

Potential buyers should contact the maker directly.

Exhibitor Responsibilities

You should plan to be around the exhibit area during open times, at least on campus.

We’ll take turns among exhibitors to greet and register the public, monitor room doors for entrance and exit, etc.

We’ll need a couple exhibitors to help with check-in and setup.

Insurance of instruments and bows is your responsibility.

You must be an SVA member to exhibit. If you are on-site, you should register for the convention to be part of the overall program.

Unaccompanied Entries

If you are not attending the Convention, you can ship your instrument as an unaccompanied entry.

If submitting an unaccompanied entry, all applications and fees must be on hand no later than March 5, 2025.

Entries and an accompanying bio page must arrive at the host shop by March 15, 2025.

Host Shop: Voss Violins, 620 Glen Iris Dr NE, UNIT 104, Atlanta, GA 30308 (404) 876-8617.

Unaccompanied entries should include a prepaid return shipping label.

If sending an unaccompanied instrument, please also send a note to with details about the entry, pricing, and contact info.