association of violin makers in the Western Hemisphere

Competition History

Past winners Southern Violin Association makers competitions.


Craftsmanship JudgesChris Germain, Daniel Gillespie, Erik Iván Diaz-Garcia (our 2021 Gold Medalist).

Tone Judges: William Wolcott, Cuauhtemoc Morales


  Workmanship Tone

1st Kristin Ballenger Kruno Kupresanin

2cnd Jaime Gabriel Gonzalez Mike Dunham

3rd Don Leister Brian Kelly

Cert. Brian Kelly Larni Prichard

Cert. Felix Ochoa Don Leister


  Workmanship Tone

1st Brian Kelly Don Leister

2cnd Don Leister Don Leister

3rd Brian Kelly


Brian Kelly


Larni Prichard


Craftsmanship JudgesStephanie Voss, Jerry Pascewicz, Jamie Gonzalez (our 2019 Gold Medalist).

Tone JudgesJonathan Wright, Juan Ramirez, Olga Shpitko

Violin Workmanship

  • Gold: Erik Iván Diaz-Garcia

  • Silver: Pablo Alfaro

  • Bronze: Felix Sandre Ochoa

  • Certificate of Merit: Michael Dunham

  • Certificate of Merit: J. Wesley Rule

Violin Tone

  • Gold: J. Wesley Rule

  • Silver: Henry Fisher

  • Bronze: Pablo Alfaro

  • Certificate of Merit: David Chandler

  • Certificate of Merit: Jim Clinton

Viola Workmanship

  • Gold: Pablo Alfaro

  • Silver: Liliana Holguín Barraza

  • Bronze: Ken Cousson

Viola Tone

  • Gold: Pablo Alfaro

  • Silver: Liliana Holguín Barraza

  • Bronze: David Chandler

Southern Maker Award (Highest combined score for a Southern Region maker)

  • J. Wesley Rule

Novice Maker Award

(Highest craftsmanship score for maker with 10 or less completed instruments)

  • Liliana Holguín Barraza

Highest Workmanship Score Violin or Viola – Next Competition Judge

  • Erik Iván Diaz-Garcia

2019 violins and violas competition

Workmanship judges:

Christopher Germain -- Philadelphia, PA; Gary Vessel -- Modesto, California; Alvaro Corrochano -- New York, NY (our 2017 1st Prize winner in Violin Workmanship!)

tone judges:

Juan Ramirez, Atlanta Symphony; Alex Shlifer, Greenville Symphony

Violin - Workmanship

1st Place - Jaime G. Gonzalez of Guadalajara, Mexico

2nd Place – Edward Byler of Bonner’s Ferry, ID

3rd Place - Edward Byler, of Bonners' Ferry, ID

Certificate of Merit - Dirk Henry of Omaha, NE

Certificate of Merit - Jason Starkie of Seattle, WA

Certificate of Merit - Pablo Alfaro of Atlanta, GA.

Violin - Tone

1st Place - Edward Byler of Bonners' Ferry, ID

2nd Place - Edward Byler of Bonner’s Ferry, ID

3rd Place - Dirk Henry of Omaha, NE

Certificate of Merit - Jason Starkie of Seattle, WA

Certificate of Merit - David Finck of Banner Elk, NC

Certificate of Merit - Ray Leicht of Tuscaloosa, AL

Viola - Workmanship

1st Place - Cameron Robertson of Atlanta, GA.

2nd Place - Dirk Henry of Omaha, NE

3rd Place - No Award for Workmanship was issued

Viola - Tone

1st Place - Dirk Henry of Omaha, NE

2nd Place - David Chandler of High Point, NC

3rd Place - Tim Summerville of Palatine, Illinois

Certificate of Merit - David Chandler of High Point, NC

Certificate of Merit – Evan Smith of Idaho Falls,ID

2017 violins-only competition

The first bi-annual makers competition took place on April, 2017 at The Wildacres Retreat in Little Switzerland, North Carolina and was open only to violins.


Chris Germain, Philadelphia, PA; Kelvin Scott, Knoxville, TN; John Montgomery, Charlotte, NC


Juan Ramirez, Atlanta Symphony; Pablo Alfaro, Atlanta, GA

violin workmanship

1 st Alvaro Corrochano ---- New York City, NY

2nd Cameron Robertson -----Atlanta, GA

3rd Jennifer Halenar -------Nashville

Certificate of MERIT Ed Byler -------- Bonners Ferry, ID ( violin "D”)

Honorable Mention Ed Byler — Bonners Ferry, ID

Honorable Mention Joe Thrift ------ Elkin, NC

Honorable Mention Greg Tracy ------- Raleigh, NC

violin tone

1st Jack Rasmussen -- Arlington, Texas

2nd Ed Byler ----- Bonners Ferry, ID

3rd Ivan Bonev -------Arlingon Texas

Cert of Merit Ray Leicht ----- Tuscaloose, AL ( violin “BB”)

Hon Mention Ray Leight

Hon Mention Jennifer Halenar, Nashville, TN

Hon Mention team of Adam Goltry/Dustin Fagg/Greg Tracy ------ Raleigh NC

Southern Makers Award

Jennifer Halenar, Nashville, TN